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Sporle Primary Academy


Hello everyone. Happy Friday! Hope we are all well. Some relaxing lessons for our Friday challenges hopefully. 

PE: Please join in live PE with Joe Wicks at 9am on youtube. 

Reading: please download the reading comprehension and answer the questions about the text 


Please download the horizontal join handwriting sheet and copy out the sentences in your most beautiful handwriting without taking your pen off paper in the middle of a word. 


Today we are going to have a look at a problem solving challenge. Have a look here for the challenge. You'll then need a piece of paper to draw yourself a magic v! 

Watch the video here of Miss Behan explaining the challenge 

ENGLISH: Please write your letter in neat to your chosen person. Was it a policeman, vet or footballer? Don't forget to be super polite to the person you're writing to in order to make them want to reply. Use the model letter from earlier this week to give you ideas. 


MUSIC : Please watch the video here