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Narborough Primary Academy

Friday 15th May

Phonics / Spelling / SPAG

Have a go at writing out the spellings you have been learning this week. Find out which words  you need to continue practising next week and which words you our confident at spelling!

Daily reading

Enjoy spending 10 minutes reading to or with an adult. Remember to look on this link -Oxford Owl reading books if you need new reading materials or choose one of your favourite story books. Choose one of the targets below to try and focus on in your reading:

- Try to use your phonics to sound out unfamiliar words

- Read with fluency

-  Talk about what is happening in the story and why it might be happening. 

- Talk to your adult about what some of the unfamiliar words might mean.



I had forgotten how much you all loved to write in your 'Free write' writing books at school and so thought it would be a great idea to give you the opportunity today to write about something of your own choice. Here are some ideas for you:

1) Write a message to Squirrel class telling them what you have been doing, how you have been feeling, things that you miss, things you are looking forward to. If your parent agrees I might be able to post your message on the Class Dojo story page!

2) Write a story. Maybe you could choose a favourite teddy and write about an adventure he or she might go on. Where might they go? Who will they meet? Does something bad happen in the story? Will someone come to the rescue? Remember your story needs a beginning, middle and end. Use adjectives to describe the characters and the setting.

3) Writing instructions on how you made your fantastic boat! Remember to include the things you needed and write each instruction on a new line starting with an imperative verb. 

You may of course have other ideas of what you would like to write which is absolutely fine. Try to remember neat handwriting, capital letters and full stops.


Year 1 Lesson 5 Family Maths Challenge

Year 2 Lesson 5 Family Maths Challenge


Finishing off your model boats! I have already seen some brilliant boats!