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Castle Acre Primary School

Friday 24th April

I hope everyone was not too "bamboozled" by the number of sheets yesterday!

Here comes Today's work.....


Today it is all about TENSES.

Year 2

You are working upon the PROGRESSIVE (or continuous) tense

1) Work through your powerpoint

2) Complete activity sheet 1 - this comes in 3 levels of challenge, so you choose!

Parents -  as before, answers are on this document, so scroll down carefully if not printing. If you do not print,  simply write all sentences or words that are the answers (some are "circle correct answer" so if you have a sheet = quick tasks, hence extension options)

1 star = green chilli

2 star = orange chilli

3 star = red chilli

3) There are then 2 possible extensions if you would like to try either of them

EXTENSION 2 - another level of sentence/word work...1-3 stars as above

EXTENSION 3 - a powerpoint Quiz

Year 3

Today you are working upon the....simple past and PRESENT PERFECT TENSE!

1) Work through you powerpoint  -  introducing  your TENSE and how it works.

2) Complete your  activity sheet.

This comes in 4 levels - you choose.

no star - light green chilli

1 star - green chilli

2 star - orange chilli

3 star - dark pink (not quite red!) chilli

Parents -  as before, answers are on this document, so scroll down carefully if not printing. If you do not print,  simply write all sentences or words that are the answers (some are "circle correct answer" so if you have a sheet = quick tasks, hence extension options)

3) There are 2 possible EXTENSIONS if you would like them

EXTENSION 1 = read through some of the grammar homework pack

EXTENSION 2 = Powerpoint QUIZ (warm up)



Carrying on from yesterday, we are continuing to look at basic algebra and simple equations

Year 2

You will be carrying on from yesterday, trying to find the missing numbers in calculations that have been replaced by LETTERS.


It would/might help if you have a number line, a 100 square and/or some objects (pencils, cubes, counters, coins etc.)... that way if you are not sure, you can make the amounts and SHARE them out or PUT TOGEHER in groups

3 x N = which number makes 30 when you add it together 3 times?..OR you could get 30 items and SHARE it into 3 equal groups....the answer = 10

R divided by 4 = 5.... so if you have SHARED a number between have 4 groups of the answer amount (5)....4x5.....R must be 20

12 divided by S = 6.... so how many lots of 6 make 12???....the answer is  S= 2

As yesterday, there are 3 levels of chilli, orange or red - you pick!


Year 3

You are moving onto ALL letters today - looking at how to solve simple equation puzzles and how simple equations are written.

a+a+a = 3 lots of a.....which is written SIMPLY as .... 3a

Hopefully the examples on the sheets will be clear enough.

3  levels of, orange and hot will you go!


PLEASE ALL REMEMBER - daily extension/starter is to practise/learn your X tables



Final task for today - although this could be continued or completed over more than one day if you want to create something AMAZING.

The challenge is to create your own piece of seaside art, based upon the beach huts at Wells Next the Sea.

You could paint, sketch, make a huge outdoor chalk version, paper collage, fabric collage, mixed media collage, model (lego, decorated cardboard boxes)....use your imagination!

Examples of images to use as a starter are below.

Good luck - I look forward to seeing your creations on your DOJO portfolios.