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Narborough Primary Academy

Friday 3rd July

Phonics / SPAG / Spelling

Today we are going to remind ourselves about 'verbs'. We are going to use one of the Daily Bitesize lessons to help us remember how to identify and use verbs in our writing.

Year 1 Bbc Bitesize verbs - Watch the video then complete the three activities. There are no worksheets for this lesson.

Year 2 Bbc Bitesize verbs - Watch the video then complete the three activities. There are no worksheets for this lesson.

The above activities will replace the English lesson for today BUT as its Free Write Friday you may like to do some writing of your own choice.


Daily ten - spend 5 minutes playing a game of your choice! 

Y1 Click on this link - Friday Maths Challenge Try questions 1 and 2 

Y2 Click on this link - Friday Maths Challenge Try questions 1, 2 and 3

Topic - Science

Salt water experiment.

Mix a teaspoon of salt into 50ml (approx) of water and stir. What do you notice happens to the salt?

Pour the salt water mixture into a shallow dish (e.g. a shallow bowl/plate/saucer) and leave on a sunny windowsill. What do you notice?

After a few days, record what you noticed. Can you explain what happened to the salt and water using scientific vocabulary?

If you enjoyed this experiment and want a little more challenge, try the following.....

Explore how the density of salt water is different by having a go at this experiment