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Castle Acre Primary School

Friday 8th January

Good Morning and it's Friday at last!

Mental oral starter

Click on doubles and then choose a level that you may find appropriate for you.
Or choose another challenge from the times table booklet and complete it. Time yourself and  post it with your total on class dojo.
You will need a pencil , coloured pencils and paper.

We have been working on our tables this week particularly the 2s , as well as 4s and 8s for some of you. There are a variety of problems to solve today. Look at them and choose one, or more if you like that you think you could solve. Remember if you find one easy try a trickier problem. Likewise if you find one tricky, persevere and don’t forget you can always use drawings or practical things around the house to help you.
1 Star Challenge Multiples colouring sheet
Solve the calculations and colour in the correct colour
2 Star Challenge Noah’s Ark
This is a problem we want you to sort out for Noah. Look at the problem and list all the possible answers that you could have. Remember the animals may have 1,2 4 or even 8 legs.
3 Star Challenge The Tomato and Bean  Challenge ( Year 3)
Tom's Dad sowed some tomato seed in February. He gave Tom one of the tomato plants in a pot. At the beginning of May, Tom put his tomato plant outside. On the same day he sowed a bean in another pot.
After how many days were the two plants the same height when Tom measured them in the evening? How high were they?
4  Star Challenge Multiples Grid (Year 3)
Use your knowledge of multiples to answer the questions and then create your own challenge.


Honey I shrunk the kids!

Oh no – something has gone terribly wrong – dad has accidently zapped his children and they are now extremely tiny!  Can you continue the story – what adventures will they have?  How big will a hedgehog seem to the children?  Maybe they find a bug who is lost but face different challenges trying to return it to it’s home.  Do they have to escape from an attacking army of ants?  We really look forward to reading your stories.  

An idea of how to layout your tally chart:









Question Time  -  you could write your answers down or maybe tell someone at home when they are free.  They could perhaps write your answers down for you?

Sick Sentences -  Can you make these sentences better?  What could you add?  

The stone started to go.  What other words could you use for go?  Where was it going?  

Perfect Picture – We wonder what you will draw?  Just an idea!

Additional Activity

The Rainbow Machine – Oxford Reading Tree (some interactive activities too if you can access)

The rainbow is a symbol of hope – you might like to think about what you hope for during the coming year and write your ideas in the clouds.  It might be a personal hope or what you hope for in your community, in the UK or a hope for the world!  Do please show us your finished rainbows.