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Sporle Primary Academy

Monday, 22nd February


Welcome to Monday!

Spellings: Rule 24: able/ible and ably/iby suffixes

Use the powerpoint below to explore when to use the suffixes able or ible for adjectives, and ably or ibly for adverbs. Can children explain the rule for how to choose which suffix to use?


For English this week, we will be looking at a 'Just So Story' by Rudyard Kipling and using it to inspire our own writing. Today, please watch this video which is based on the 'Just So Story' of how the elephant got his trunk.

Then, watch Miss George's tutorial on your learning and your task for the day. You will be looking at story openers creating a new opening for this 'Just So Story'. The powerpoint is also attached to the bottom, without audio, for you to look at and use to help you with your writing.


Using the book set for your group on class dojo, log on to Oxford Reading Owl to read this. Then, summarise what you have read.


Daily 10

Encourage pupils to practise their times tables by clicking on the link below. This will give 10 questions based around recall of the times tables facts.

  • Click on the daily 10 image.
  • At the top of the page, you should see 3 ‘choose’ tabs
  • 1st tab: Choose level 4 (year 4) or level 5 (year 5)
  • 2nd tab: Multiplication, Choose mixed tables up to x12
  • Then you should see a range of question intervals at the bottom of the page…can you try a quicker challenge?
  • Upload your score to dojo to let your teacher know how you got on.

You could also try selecting division to practice using your knowledge of times tables to solve related division questions.

 White Rose Maths

Note: this week there are separate lessons for year 4 and year 5 children.

Year 4:  Fractions greater than 1

Click on the link below to watch the video tutorial about fractions greater than 1. Use pictorial representations (shapes and bar model), to learn how to write improper fractions and mixed numbers.

Then, complete the worksheet below (Y4 Maths Monday). You could print it off and write on the worksheet, or write the answers on paper/exercise book, but remember to number your answers clearly so your parents can check you are correct.

Parents: I have also uploaded the answer sheet (Y4 MATHS ANSWERS) for you to refer to.

Year 5: Compare and order fractions less than 1

Click on the link below to watch the video tutorial to learn about how to compare and order fractions less than 1, by either making the numerators or the denominators the same.

Then, complete questions 5 to 8 on the worksheet below (Y5 Maths Monday). You could print it off and write on the worksheet, or write the answers on paper/exercise book, but remember to number your answers clearly so your parents can check you are correct.

Parents: I have also uploaded the answer sheet (Y5 MATHS ANSWERS) for you to refer to.

Science: Make your own digestive system

Time to get creative and messy…. Last half term you learned about the digestive system and what happens to our food when we eat it. Now is your chance to make a model of your digestive system.

You will need to read and follow the instructions carefully in the pdf below. Some of the items you won't have at home, so think carefully about what you could replace them with. Do you have recycling that you could cut and shape? You can use absolutely anything you have at home, this is just a guide to help you with each stage.

Take some photos (or draw diagrams) of each stage and write/ video yourself talking a short explanation to go with each stage to describe what part of the digestive system is at work and how it is breaking down the food. Try to include some scientific vocabulary in your explanation.

Can you add step 8, to describe what happens to the solid mass left in the large intestine?