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Sporle Primary Academy

Monday, 8th February

Good morning, Kingfishers and happy snow day!

I hope you all had a restful weekend. Below are the learning tasks for Monday.

Spellings: Rule 23:cial or tial?

Watch the following video that explains the rule. Then, practise 10 spelling words in neat, cursive handwriting.


Watch the following video of Miss George narrating your task for today. You can also use the powerpoint from below to look at the powerpoint separately. Then, create your own questions that you could ask someone who has your dream job.



Following the book set on Class Dojo, log on to the Oxford Reading Owl website and complete reading day 1 activity: summarising what you have read so far.


Daily 10

Encourage pupils to practise their times tables by clicking on the link below. This will give 10 questions based around recall of the times tables facts.

  • Click on the daily 10 image.
  • At the top of the page, you should see 3 ‘choose’ tabs
  • 1st tab: Choose level 4 (year 4) or level 5 (year 5)
  • 2nd tab: Multiplication, Choose mixed tables up to x12
  • Then you should see a range of question intervals at the bottom of the page…can you try a quicker challenge?
  • Upload your score to dojo to let your teacher know how you got on.

You could also try selecting division to practice using your knowledge of times tables to solve related division questions.

 White Rose Maths

Note: this week there are separate lessons for year 4 and year 5 children.

Year 4:  Equivalent Fractions

Click on the link below to watch the video tutorial about equivalent fractions. Use pictorial representations (shapes and bar model), and number lines to find equivalent fractions. Can you spot any patterns?

 Then, complete the worksheet below (Y4 Maths Monday). You could print it off and write on the worksheet, or write the answers on paper/exercise book, but remember to number your answers clearly so your parents can check you are correct.

Parents: I have also uploaded the answer sheet (Y4 MATHS ANSWERS) for you to refer to.

Year 5: Mixed numbers to improper fractions

Click on the link below to watch the video tutorial to learn about converting mixed numbers to improper fractions using bar models and pictorial representations. Get you pattern spotting skills out- how can multiplication help you convert mixed numbers to improper fractions more efficiently?

Then, complete the worksheet below (Y5 Maths Monday). You could print it off and write on the worksheet, or write the answers on paper/exercise book, but remember to number your answers clearly so your parents can check you are correct.

Parents: I have also uploaded the answer sheet (Y5 MATHS ANSWERS) for you to refer to.


Science: Examining states of matter

For science today, you will need to wrap up warm, put on some waterproof footwear and get outside. With your parent/ carer, play in the snow and investigate some different things. How does the snow feel? What happens when it warms in your hand? Can you discuss together what happens to water when it freezes and how does it turn in to a gas?

Then, mix this is with some D&T learning. Who can construct the greatest snowman? Please send some photos of your fantastic construction learning :)