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Castle Acre Primary School

Monday 11th May 2020

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another week! 

'Daily' Dojo challenges will be back up and running this week so make sure to keep an eye out on there to find out what's in store for us this week! 

I've found another website with some fantastic learning videos on which might be of help if you ever find your child is struggling with anything, the website you need is this: You don't need an account (I'm sure you have enough of those pesky passwords to remember as it is!) and has a wealth of videos on there in English too (I try not to use American videos as these can use different terms for things we teach) I may link a video on a particular lesson, but it may be of use if you have older children too. 

Anyway, that's enough briefing for one day! 


Please find attached the daily tasks for Reception and Year 1.

Year 1s: I've created a 'spelling list' for those who want another challenge this week. All of the spellings have the alternative spellings for the 'ai' phoneme. 

Crayon, came, eight, veil, train, bake, snake, grey, spray, snowflake