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Narborough Primary Academy

Monday 18th January 2021


For today's maths learning please open the document entitled 'Maths information sheet'. All your maths learning and video links are on this page. The resources you will need are in the attachments below.


Daily Reading - read your reading book or a book of your own choice for 5 to 10 minutes.

Today's challenge is to read with expression. Make sure you pause where there are commas or full stops. Try making your voice sound interesting or change it for different characters. 

Spellings - Read through your new spellings for the week. Check you understand the meaning of each word. You can ask me on Class Dojo if you are not sure. Write them out in your neatest handwriting.


How many different adjectives can you think of that start with a?  Remember adjectives are describing words e.g. amazing, awesome

Now try to think of as many different adjectives as you can that start with s.  For example, small, spotty, 

You could choose your own letters or even try thinking of adjectives for all the letters of the alphabet!


If you have a thesaurus at home perhaps you can challenge yourself to find some new interesting adjectives you haven’t come across before. I look forward to hearing them!

Writing - Write 5 sentences about your weekend or what you wished you could have got up to at the weekend! Try to include interesting adjectives in your writing. Don't forget to include correct punctuation.


Joe Wicks will be sharing another live session at 9am this morning.

Perhaps your family might have time to go for a little walk with you? Increase your fitness levels and make it a little more fun by sprinkling in a few 10 second runs during your walk. You could even try walking round the garden and doing short bursts of running. Whatever you decide to do make sure you have fun. We will have some PE challenges coming soon.....!!