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Narborough Primary Academy

Monday 4th May 2020

Phonics / Spellings

Well done everybody for working so hard on your spellings last week! Please continue working your way through the lists you have been given by writing out between 5 to 10 spellings each day. Remember to use 'Look, cover, write, check'. For those of you that feel ready to try spelling some new words I have added a list of number words to practise this week. 

Year 1 - Listen to the daily phonics lesson on Letters and Sounds for home and school

Remember, Year 2, if you find spelling and reading a little tricky then the Year 1 daily phonics lesson will be great revision for you. 

Year 2 - Upload the Phase 6 morning starter powerpoint from the attachments. You have had this powerpoint before but there are lots of activities to choose from. Practise an activity you found tricky before or choose a new one.


This week we are going to learn about instructions. Today we are going to start by looking at imperative verbs. Imperative verbs are just like 'bossy' verbs, so they are words that tell someone to do something e.g. walk, sit, eat, find

Have a look at the worksheets in the uploads (you don't need to print them you can write your answers in your books). Choose the worksheet you think you are most suited to. There is a mild and hot worksheet for each year group.


Mental Maths Train - Select 'Addition' then choose an appropriate number bond game. If you find it easy, try a trickier one. (Number bonds to 10, 20, 100)

Whiterose Year 1 Lesson 1 Part-whole relationships number bonds. Watch the video then complete the activity.

Whiterose Year 2 Lesson 1 Fact families addition and subtraction bonds to 20. Watch the video then complete the activity.


Join in with PE with Joe

and / or

Make an Active Alphabet game for the family. Write a list of the letters in the alphabet and think of an action for each. This is a great way of using imperative verbs and practising to spell your number words! You can make it over the week rather than finish it all today.  See if you and your family can spell out your names and complete the actions. I will start you off....

A = Hop on one leg five times

B = Jog on the spot for thirty seconds

C = Do three star jumps 

D = Curl up small

E = Make three big circles with each arm

Have fun!

Daily Worship

Jonah and the Whale - Listen to the story of Jonah and the Whale. The theme is 'Saying Sorry'.