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Reception/Year 1




Please find below some learning guides for emergent writing, sentence writing and maths to help you whilst you are home schooling your children.

Emergent Writing:

What to expect/ how to support early sentence writing:

What is subitising and why is it important?:

Phase 2, 3 and 5 Sounds and Caption Actions:

Cursive Handwriting Practice (remember you don't just have to use a pencil and paper to practice handwriting):


 Year 1

Please find below some learning guides for maths to help you whilst you are home schooling your children.

Tens Frame Addition:

Number Line Addition:

Number Line Subtraction:

Using Base 10 (10s & 1s):

Phase 2, 3 and 5 Sounds and Caption Actions:

Cursive Handwriting Practice:

When to use a question mark and an exclamation mark:

Compass directions:

How to compose, write and improve a sentence: