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Castle Acre Primary School

Royal Collection Experts

On Monday the 2nd March 2020, we had a very exciting day indeed - we were Royal Collection Experts! In the morning, we learnt about Queen Elizabeth II and in the afternoon we were able to hold some gifts that the Queen had been given by people all over the world!

We watched a video telling us lots of different facts about the Queen, we know that she receives around 60,000 letters each year, she owns some of the whales, dolphins and swans in the UK, she has lots of jobs to do, she was crowned when she was 25 and she has been our Queen for 67 years! Wow!

A lady called Hannah came to visit us in the afternoon (she works at Sandringham House and has met the Queen many, many times!) she showed us photos of her and her family at the Queen's Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace!

Then she read us a story called The Queen's Hat and showed us lots of the hats she has worn to special occasions and we even got to try some on!

After we tried the fantastic hats on, we designed our own Crowns and were able to hold the Queen's gifts - thinking about the materials they were made of. We had to wear some special gloves so that the gifts didn't get damaged by our fingers. 


Thank you to Hannah for coming in to see us, we all had a brilliant time!