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Castle Acre Primary School

School closure work

In this folder you will find 3 pieces of work for each day.  Please support your children in attempting to complete the tasks relevant to their year group. Work should be written in the exercise book provided,

In addition, children should be encouraged to practise their spellings, times tables and reading daily.

Additional tasks can be found in the workbooks that were sent home and should be used IF specific pages are noted within the daily work tasks.

As time progresses, additional resources will be uploaded - including website links and suggestions for extended "fun" learning activities (PE, yoga, dance, art etc.)

Work will be posted to start from DAY 1 - Monday 23rd March.


 Please note, that if you CLICK on a  web-link on the top right hand side of this page (phonics play, BBC etc.) you will exit the school website.  To return to the school  website you will need to click on the "return arrow" at the top left side of the link you have opened.

Please find the work for this half term in the Summer Term 1 folder on the right hand side.

Please find the work for this half term in the # Summer Term 2  folder on the right hand side.


If you are finding it tricky to get the children to settle to working and make the most of their day, why not consider creating a basic "school day" timetable. Timings and activity slots can change according to your plans....but could help:

1) Start the morning with 10-15 minutes of spelling practise, handwriting linked to spellings and X table practise.

2) x3 work slots, one for each activity with "play" breaks in between - just like school. Aim for at least 30 minutes of focussed work per task - but of course let the children carry on if they are enjoying it.

3) After lunch - try to plan a range of fun/active tasks.  Play games, enjoy the garden, cycle, do craft projects,  cooking together, read together and more.

We appreciate that this is going to be hard work and that some days you will simply need a dvd day. However, the more you can do to make life feel "normal" the better it will be.  Take care and do what you can.


Making full use of our website

If you haven't already, please enure that you fully explore the federation website.  Feel free to look at activities posted on other class pages/curriculum pages within the federation - we are all in this together, so why not see if any other tasks/links are of use.

Wednesday 25th March- Use Mental Maths Train link on the right hand side to practise

addition calculations.

Thursday 26th March - All work is in the separate folder on the top right menu =

1A -Thursday tasks  26/3/20 - Roman day

Friday 27th March - as per Thursday, see separate folder top right , with work for the day

Monday 30th March-  All work is in the  folder on the top right hand menu

Tuesday 31st March - All work is in the folder on the top right hand menu.