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Narborough Primary Academy

Summer Term 2 Home Learning

Hello Squirrel Class!

Welcome back to the final half term of this academic year! I do hope you are all well and have  managed to have a restful week in the sunshine.

This half term's home learning will be in a similar format to before. I understand many of you have to balance the home learning with many other commitments and it is not always easy when you need access to technology.  So with this in mind please do not  worry if there are days when the learning on the website does not get done. It is fine to have days when your child works from their home learning packs instead. 

This half term, many of the learning activities will be based around the topic 'The seaside'. To help with your preparations of the learning activities I will try to put a weekly overview of the activities and resources you will need rather than updating them each day. 

As always please remember you can contact me via the Class Dojo page at any time if you have any queries or concerns.

Thank you for your ongoing support during these challenging times.

Happy home learning! 

Miss Mitchell :-)