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Castle Acre Primary School

Thursday 14th January

Good morning.


Please could you complete your daily spelling practice and remember to use each word in a sentence.


Mental oral starter

Today we will be practising our addition.  Explore the Fruit Splat Addition game.  There are different levels and different speeds for you to choose from.  Have fun!

Today we are learning to solve addition word problems.  Think about the different methods you have used this week.  We wonder which ones you will use to solve these problems?  

Before you start though, watch the Addition Word Problem powerpoint below and help to solve the problems. 


Today and tomorrow we will writing a fact file about polar bears using conjunctions and adjectives.

Design a non-fiction information page about polar bears.  If you would like, you can make your own 'did you know?' fact box.  Write a nice, bold title and draw a picture of a polar bear.

Underneath the picture, write an information page about polar bears.  Use your notes from Tuesday to give you some ideas of what to say.  There are two things you MUST include at least somewhere in your writing:

1.  Add in adjectives.  For example: The Polar bear has thick, white fur.

2.  Use the conjunctions which or that.  For example:  The polar bear has thick, white fur that helps to keep it warm in the freezing Arctic.

Please finish this over the two days.  


Lesson 6 - Why do we change materials?

No additional resources required


This half term our focus is Christianity and our enquiry question is

‘How do Christians belong to their faith family?’

If you are able to, please listen to the story ‘The Great Big Book of Families’ by Mary Hoffman and Ros Asquith:

If you are unable to access the story, please talk to your child about different families.  Families may be large, small, live in one house or spend time in different houses.  They may live in flats, bungalows or houses.  They may have lots of pets or no pets…

Can you describe the family you belong to?  What do you like to do with your family?

Do you belong to any other groups?  How would other people know what different groups/families you belong to?  Maybe you play football for a club and wear the team’s football kit?  Are you a Brownie?  What do you think faith is?  What do you think a faith family is?  What do you think a faith family might like to do?


  • Please draw and label your family and any different groups that you may belong to.
  • Write about what you like to do with your family.

Wishing you a happy and safe Thursday.