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Narborough Primary Academy

Thursday 14th January


Mental oral starter

Today we are going to practise our doubling

Click on the link

Choose a level that suits you. If you are finding it easy set yourself a harder challenge

Main activity

Please look at and read through the powerpoint on addition to practise and remind you how to solve addition worded problems.

Choose a sheet from the attachments to complete. Most of the Year 2's should be able to have a go at the 3 star sheet. Most of Year 3 should be able to have a go at the 4 or 5 star sheet. Remember if you find maths tricky choose an easier sheet to start with but never be afraid to challenge yourself!



Today we are going to try to use conjunctions in our writing

Read the powerpoint in the resources to help remind you what a conjunction is. Complete the ‘your turn’ sentences on the second from last slide. If you would like to practise conjunctions even further you may wish to complete the task on the last page of the powerpoint.



Today’s writing task will continue over to tomorrow to allow you time complete it.

You are going to write a factfile about an animal using conjunctions and adjectives. 

Design a non-fiction information page about polar bears. If you’d like you can make your own ‘did you know?’ fact box. Write a nice, bold title and draw a picture of a polar bear. 

Underneath the picture, write an information page about polar bears. Use your notes from Tuesday to give you some ideas of what to say. There are two things you MUST include at least somewhere in your writing. 

1)~ Add in adjectives. For example : The polar bear has thick, white fur.  

2)  Use the conjunctions which or that. For example: The polar bear has thick, white fur that helps to keep it warm in the freezing Arctic. 

Finish this over the two days 


For today’s art lesson we are going to find out about and explore the work of the artist Andy Warhol. To help you learn about Andy Warhol you can use the following website links:

Have a look at the worksheet called ‘Artist Study’. Using the same headings can you write a short study about Andy Warhol? You can copy the headings onto a piece of paper. Don’t forget to draw something that reminds you of Andy Warhol!