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Narborough Primary Academy

Thursday 14th May

Phonics / Spelling / SPAG

Something a little different today....

Open up the 'Double vowel phoneme' sheet. You may print it out or work from the screen and write the words in your book. This is for everyone in Squirrel class to have a go at. You are looking for words with double vowels. Remember the vowels are a e i o u so a double vowel might be ai, ee, oa, ou etc. Try to find as many of the words as you can. The sheet challenges you to find as many words as you can in 1 minute! It is up to you if you want to time yourselves or not. Year 2 can complete the sentences once you have found the words. Year 1 you can challenge yourselves to do the sentences if you wish!


Year 1 - Click on this link - Using the word 'and' to join sentences when describing. This will take you to a lesson on BBC Bitesize. Watch the videos and complete the activities. You can write your sentences in your exercise book.

Year 2 - Click on this link - Using conjunctions to join sentences. This will take you to a lesson on BBC Bitesize. Watch the videos and complete the activities. You can write your sentences in your exercise book.


Mental Maths Train - play a game of your choice for 5 minutes.

Y1  - Whiterose Maths Lesson 4 -  Compare number sentences

Y2 - Whiterose Maths Lesson 4 -  Bonds to 100

The worksheets are in the attachments below.


 Continue to design and make your boat that can float on the water. Write a list of the materials you have used in your exercise books. Remember you might not be happy with your first attempt. You may need to think of ways in which you can adapt your boat to make it stronger, to move, to float, to be able to hold an object. Don't be disappointed if your model does not work. The worlds greatest designers have to make hundreds of attempts before they are finally happy with their end product. I want you to enjoy trying different materials out to help you learn more about them.