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Narborough Primary Academy

Thursday 23rd April

Phonics / Spelling

Continue practising your spellings for this week. If you can already confidently spell the words, try writing a few sentences using some of the words. Putting words into sentences helps you to understand what the word means. If you are not sure of what a word means, perhaps if you have a dictionary, you could look up the word to find out!

Daily reading

Read the story of the Titanic attached. Some of you will need to ask your parents to help you with the reading. Talk about it together.


Download the attachment called 'Story picture sentence challenge'. Write the list of nouns in your exercise book. Think of a verb to go with each noun.

Y1 - Write two sentences using the verbs you have chosen.

Y2 - Write four sentences using the verbs you have chosen. 


Mental Maths Train - Spend 10 minutes playing one of the games on here. You can choose the game you play. Start off with one you know you can do but then try to challenge yourself to a harder level. Subtraction is a good one to practise as lots of us find this tricky. Remember if you keep getting them all correct then the level is too easy for you. Always try to challenge yourself!

Year 2  - As the Whiterose lesson is about measuring in metres, this could be a bit tricky if you don't have the measuring equipment you need. So, instead I have attached a maths sheet to help you practise your subtraction. There are two different sheets. One is a 'mild' maths sheet and one is a 'hot' sheet. The 'hot' sheet is more tricky. Take a look at the sheets and decide which one you think you should have a go at. I would suggest the children in Blue group could have a go at the 'hot' sheet.

Year 1- Clink on the website below and complete lesson 4. Watch the video then complete the activity. Don't worry if you can't print off the pages, you can just write the answers in your exercise books.

Year 1  - Find a half


Today we are going to learn about the different parts of a plant and what the plant needs to help it to grow. Watch the powerpoint below to find out about plants. Afterwards draw a picture of a plant and label the different parts. Write a list of what the plant needs to grow. 

Look for different plants in your garden. I will put a short video on Class Dojo to show you one or two plants in my garden!

Daily Act of Worship/reflection

Click on the link below to take you to the bbc website

All Change! A change for the better