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Castle Acre Primary School

Thursday 30th April 2020



Can you remember the sounds you have already learned? Use the flashcards to practise the sounds! 

Let’s learn a new sound. This is another trigraph sound (because it has 3 letters), the phoneme is: ‘air’. Mr Thorne will help us learn.

Then have a go at buried treasure using ‘air’ words:

Palm Trees grow in Tobago as we have seen in the story Gregory Cool. Can you remember what fruit grow on (some) Palm Trees?

Take a look at these facts about Palm Trees – you might need an adult to help you read them! What new facts do you learn about Palm Trees?

Can you draw a picture of a palm tree and jot down one thing what you have found out? 


Have a go at playing this maths game:  

Create a map similar to the one below placing your favourite toys in different sections of the grid. You could use a lego person to walk along the arrows walking past all of the different objects. 

Can you tell an adult a statement about each object, e.g: The balloon is above the teapot.

Could you write down one sentence using your phonics sounds?


Tobago is found in the South American Continent of our World.

There are 6 other continents in the world. Watch this video to help you learn about all of them:

Have a go at the cutting and sticking activity to create a world map with the 7 continents. (If you aren’t able to print this out, have a go at drawing each continent so the children can cut them out). This is a great activity to practise cutting skills.

(Ignore the part about the oceans, as tomorrow’s lesson we are learning about the 5 oceans).

Year 1


Custom Design A6 Postcards | Avery WePrint

Imagine that you are Gregory and you are writing a postcard to your family back home in England. What would you write to them about?

Can you use words which end in 'ing' and 'er' in your sentences?

Challenge yourself to writing 50 words! 


See how fast you can answer each of the maths questions!

Today we have a problem to solve! Your mission is to ‘Cover the Camel’! Please see the attached document where your task is to use the ‘jigsaw’ pieces to cover the camel, this could be drawn in your maths book if you do not have a printer! Good luck!

P.S. You are allowed to rotate the pieces to help them fit!

P.P.S. It is possible!

If you found that too simple, here is another one you could try!


Tobago is found in the South American Continent of our World.7 Continents of the World -

There are 6 other continents in the world. Watch this video to help you learn about all of them:

Have a go at the activity attached. If you don’t have a printer, you could have a go at drawing the world and then labelling the continents!

I’ve attached a lovely mini book which would be fantastic to jot down anything you’ve found out about any of the continents 😊

Here is a catchy song to help you remember the seven continents!