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Castle Acre Primary School

Thursday 4th June

We both hope that you are enjoying the new work this half term and that everything is going well.

Don't forget - if you need any extra support or information - simply send us a message via CLASS DOJO.

Here are the tasks for today:


1st - remember to practise you spellings

Today's SPAG activity is a continuation of the "SENTENCE types" work started earlier this week.

Here is a link to look at if you are unsure:

Below you will find some prompt sheets, a Power Point to help you, a range of "chilli" challenge tasks, an extra challenge, an optional extension and even a quiz - do what you can.


1st - X table practise

Remember to check you are on the correct page (5-7 or 7-11)

Year 2 - today you are working upon odd/even numbers:

Year 3 - fractions continued:

Once you have looked at the video clips - complete your activity sheets below - there is an extension for each year group.


Our new topic is RAINFORESTS

1. Look at the power point

2. Pick your level of challenge - to identify and label rainforest areas f the world (use P.1 as a prompt sheet if needed). SHEET 1

3. Use the Internet to investigate a rainforest area - 3 sheets/levels to chose from...Ghana, Honduras, Guatamala. SHEET 2

4. EXTENSION - Read about Romel's rainforest (there is a link in the PPT - but if this does not work - the document is below as a pdf).