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Castle Acre Primary School

Thursday 4th March



We hope that if you were able to, you enjoyed watching Michael Rosen yesterday.  We found out lots about what he had written and about his life in general.  We wonder what you can remember? 

There are different activities today that you can choose from.  You might like to ...

  • write a poem in the style of 'Down behind the dustbin, I met a dog called ________ ...   Watch Michael Rosen sharing this poem with school children.  You can also download or read the poem below.


  • write a letter to Michael Rosen to say thank you and to explain what you liked and which were your favourite parts from watching him yesterday.   (letter template below)
  • write a recount.  What did he tell us?  Which was your favourite part and why?  What facts about his life can you remember?  
  • If you were not able to watch the live video - can you find out and jot down any facts about Michael Rosen?  How many books has he written.  How many of his books have you read?  Can you find 3 poems he has written? etc

Reading - please have lots of fun reading and sharing books with others today.  Think of all the different places you like to read - you might like to take some photos to show us some of your favourite places?  You might like to make a reading den (with permission!) and again take some photos to show us.  


Mental/Oral Starter

Focus : Doubling

Year 2 :Click on level 2 or 3 

Year 3: Click on level 3 and fora  further extension try level 4

Year 2

Today we are creating patterns using 2 D shapes . You will need a pencil and a pen. Click on the link and watch the video. Then complete the Year 2 Challenge for all and then there is a  further challenge if you wish.

Year 3

Today we will be learning about angles inside 2D shapes. You will need a pencil and a piece of paper. Watch the video by clicking on the link below and complete the tasks as you go along pausing the video at the correct times.


Today is our last lesson on our enquiry question 'How do Christians belong to their faith family?' and we would like you to show us all you have learned.  Please download the sheet or if you would like to show this information in another way, that is fine as the boxes may be a little small.