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Castle Acre Primary School

Tuesday 14th jUly



Click on year 3 & 4 Spelling rule 5 (prefixes)

Click on Year 2 Spelling Rule 34 (common exception words)

English: complete a further 2 pages of your Transition Booklet

Mental Maths

Practise your tables using the following ink:

Year 2 Lesson 2  Hours and Days

Click on the link below to watch the video clip.

Complete the Year 2 sheet for all.

For further activities if you wish go to the BBc bite size website.

Year 3 Lesson 2  Add and Subtract  Capacity

Click on the link below to watch the video clip.

Complete the Year 3 sheet for all

For further activities if you wish go to the BBc bite size website.

Animal project

  • If you have finished your research and cue cards, start making your props.Remember these are visual items to show to camera – such as:
    • pictures of an orangutan,
    • a map showing where in the world they live,
    • maybe sweets or products that contain palm oil (you’ll understand this once you read the information attached)
    • maybe a banner in the background.
    • You might want to set up a table/desk so that you look like a news reporter (this might help you if you need to use your cue cards to remember facts/information

English for Year 2

Now you have answered the questions from yesterday you can start to  create a book all about the travels of this tiny creature.

 Develop your story line or plot. Will it be an adventure, or a mystery story.

Each page in your book will have a picture created by you on half of it and you write the story in the other half.

Create a front cover and give it a title – look at some of your books at home to give you some ideas.

Remember take your time it can take all week.

PE :Stay at Home Sports Day 2020

This term we were meant to have our sports day. Unfortunately, we won’t get a chance to do this. But why not bring Sports Day into your household?  You could compete against your family- brothers, sisters, dad, mum, carers, grandparents or even the dog!

This is a fun activity and the main idea is to have FUN with your family.

All of these activities listed below will help with some form of PE skills e.g. strength, hand eye coordination, accuracy, speed, balance.

First choose a selection of the activities or could you do all these challenges in a day?

Set a date and time, and then invite your family to join in the fun.

Create a leader/score board using a blackboard and chalk ( if you have one)or create one using a piece of A3 card/paper  and coloured pens.

Take a day to plan using your  own ideas ,  the ideas attached below or a mixture of both. Improvise with the equipment and use anything that you have lying around the house or garden.

Take some photos of your sports day and post on the class dojo. We look forward to seeing them


Ask your parents / adult before you do these experiments.

Here are a few fun experiments for you to do, have some fun with hands on science.