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Narborough Primary Academy

Tuesday 19th May 2020

Welocme to a bright, sunny Tuesday! 


Rule 21: Adding suffixes beginning with a vowel to polysyllabic words

Practice adding suffixes beginning with a vowel. Use slide 6 of the powerpoint for ideas.

Read for pleasure: Spend 10-15 minutes (or more if you want) reading something for pleasure. It could be a story, poem, play, information text, comic, graphic novel or online text/kindle/e-reader. You could also read to a younger or older sibling.

English: English: Reading

Pupils practice their skills following on from their learning yesterday by completing the questions

Year 5: Y5 R5d. Comments upon language choices/structures of different authors (particularly in poetry).

Year 6: R5d: Can prove or disprove a statement about a character or setting by finding evidence in the text


Daily 10

Pupils have also been using daily 10 in class to improve this recall of multiplication and division facts. They all know how this works. Click on the link below to access the website.

Year 5 Maths Summer term week 5(W/C 18th May) Lesson 2: Adding fractions

Guidance: watch the video tutorial, then complete the worksheet. If you can't (or don't want to) print the worksheet, write your answers in your exercise book. Make sure you number your questions to make it easy for your parents to check your answers.

These questions will require you to use your knowledge of equivalent fractions to find common denominators. Look carefully at the denominators in each question, there is a link between them. (Hint: think multiples!)

This week, the worksheets will not feature on the white rose site, but will appear at the bottom of this webpage.

Year 6 Maths Summer term week 5 (W/C 18th May) Lesson 2: Multiplying decimals by integers

Guidance: watch the video tutorial, then complete the worksheet. If you can't (or don't want to) print the worksheet, write your answers in your exercise book. Make sure you number your questions to make it easy for your parents to check your answers!

For question 3, you can choose which strategy to use e.g. long multiplication or grid method.

This week, the worksheets will not feature on the white rose site, but will appear at the bottom of this webpage.


RE: What is Vaisakhi?

Click on the link below the access the BBC webpage to find out about the Sikh festival, Vaisakhi. Watch the video and read the texts. In your exercise books, record 7 facts that you have learned about Vaisakhi. You can choose how to present your information, (paragraphs, bullet points, information poster, powerpoint presentation, or something else…) but remember, it must include at least 7 facts.


Daily Act of Worship/reflection

Click on the link below to access the BBC Schools radio page.

Making a difference: Thomas Barnardo