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Narborough Primary Academy

Tuesday 24th March 2020

Home learning tasks for Tuesday

Spellings: Practice spelling some words containing the suffixes less, ment, ful and ness (can refer to yesterdays powerpoint for ideas:)

English Reading: Quick questions to consolidate learning from yesterday: how to work out the meaning of new language. Pupil questions and accompanying answers for parents are below. You can refer back to the powerpoint from yesterday to help them if they are struggling.

Read for pleasure: Spend 10-15 minutes (or more if you want) reading something for pleasure. It could be a story, poem, play, information text, comic, graphic novel or online text/kindle/e-reader. You could also read to a younger or older sibling.

English Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG): Exploring nouns.

Year 5: Nouns. Page 4 of your Grammar, Punctuation and spelling book.

Year 6: Nouns. Page 4 of your Grammar, Punctuation and spelling book.

Extra challenge: collect as many different collective nouns as you can. I particularly like the collective noun for a group of crows.... Record the collective nouns you have found in your exercise books, and upload to your profile on dojo to earn bonus points!


Daily 10

Pupils have also been using daily 10 in class to improve this recall of multiplication and division facts. They all know how this works. Click on the link below to access the website.

Year 5 Maths Lesson 2: Decimals as fractions
Guidance: watch the video tutorial, then complete the worksheet. If you can't (or don't want to) print the worksheet, write your answers in your exercise book. Make sure you number your questions to make it easy for your parents to check your answers!

Year 6 Lesson 2: Ratio as fractions
Guidance: watch the video tutorial, then complete the worksheet. If you can't (or don't want to) print the worksheet, write your answers in your exercise book. Make sure you number your questions to make it easy for your parents to check your answers!

RE: What is Hinduism?

Click on the link below to take you to the bbc web page, outlining the key beliefs of Hinduism. Read the information, watch the videos, look at the pictures and take the quiz. Also, in your exercise books, summarise 4 things you have learned about the HIndu religion from this site.

bbc bitesize hinduism


Daily Act of Worship/reflection

Click on the link below to take you to the bbc website to find out about the history of Mothering Sunday.