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Narborough Primary Academy

Tuesday 30th June

Welcome to Tefrrific Tuesday....

Spellings: rule 39: ance/ancy, emcee/ency suffixes

Use this link:

  • Click on year 5 & 6 (spelling rule 39 ance/ancy, ence ency)
  • Click on view words.
  • Write them down in your English book.
  • Then press ‘play’ in the top righthand corner
  • Click on spelling tiles.
  • Each day use 1 of the games until you have gone on each game (5 games each week displayed).

Remember, you will need to complete the spelling test on Friday, so it is a good idea to practice writing some of these words each day too.


English: Who is David Attenborough?

Find out about who David Attenborough is and research his achievements. What is he famous for? (There is a link with our topic of sea-creatures…can you find it?)

You can either create an information poster about him, a fact-file, or write a short biography about his main achievements.

Hint: Later this week we will be seeing if we can “be the next David Attenborough.”



Daily 10

Pupils have also been using daily 10 in class to improve this recall of multiplication and division facts. They all know how this works. Click on the link below to access the website.

Having listened to your feedback, some of you preferred the white rose maths, and some preferred the NCETM videos. So, I am going to offer a choice. You can either do the white rose or  the NCETM videos. There is no right or wrong option, it is what best suits you. Either lesson will benefit your child.

NCETM Year 5/6

Lesson 12: Express fractions in their simplest form using the terms common factor and highest common factor


White Rose

Year 5 Maths Summer term week 10 (W/C 29th June) Lesson 2: Drawing lines and angles accurately

Guidance: watch the video tutorial, then complete the worksheet. If you can't (or don't want to) print the worksheet, write your answers in your exercise book. Make sure you number your questions to make it easy for your parents to check your answers.

This week, the worksheets will not feature on the white rose site, but will appear at the bottom of this webpage.

Year 6 Maths Summer term week 9 (W/C 29th June)  Lesson 2: Calculating ratio

Guidance: watch the video tutorial, then complete the worksheet. If you can't (or don't want to) print the worksheet, write your answers in your exercise book. Make sure you number your questions to make it easy for your parents to check your answers!

This week, the worksheets will not feature on the white rose site, but will appear at the bottom of this webpage. 

Science: Salt water

The water of our oceans and seas is salty. Learn about the science behind salt water and think like a scientist.

Click on the link below to earn about dissolving.

Click on the link below to learn about separation of materials?

Set up your own salt water investigation.

Mix a teaspoon of salt into 50ml (approx) of water and stir. What do you notice happens to the salt? In your exercise books, can you use some scientific vocabulary to explain what has happened?

Pour the salt water mixture into a shallow dish (e.g. a shallow bowl/plate/saucer) and leave on a sunny windowsill. What do you think will happen after a few days? In your exercise books, can you record your prediction?

You will need to check on your salt water daily and record your observations in your exercise books. What do you notice?