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Castle Acre Primary School

Tuesday 31st March 2020


Let's learn a new sound, today is the 'oi' sound. Geraldine the Giraffe is here to help: 



Can you write the words: Boil, soil, coin - for an extra challenge, can you write the word poison? 

Can you create a string of words which have the 'oi' sound in? (These could be nonsense words or real words)

Play yes/no game:

Read the following questions to your child and ask them to show a thumbs up or down whether the answer is yes or no.

Can you surf on a coin?

Can soil be red?

Can oil boil?

Will a car need oil?


Practise writing the following letters:

b, d, f, r, g, h,


(Ordering numbers)

Take a walk around the village and look for numbers on the doors of houses. Do the numbers get bigger or smaller as you walk past other houses? Which number do you think will come next? 

Could you have a treasure hunt in the house with the numbers 10 - 20? Write the numbers on single pieces of paper, hide them around the house/garden and ask your child to find them and then order them from smallest to largest! 

Treasure Map!

Can you draw a map of your house or a room in the house? 

Ask an adult to hide an object in the room and mark on the map where they have hidden it. Can you find it?

Challenge your adult by hiding an object in the room and describing where it is located. E.g ‘It is under something red’.

Art: Hopefully you’ve spotted the beauty that is Spring outside now with all of its lovely colours! Have a go at sketching a daffodil. Remember to use light strokes of your pencil when you are sketching!

We often see yellow daffodils but they do come in other colours too – see if you can find any of the different coloured ones in your area!

Daffodils: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Daffodil Flowers | The ...  

Year 1: 

English: (ing verbs)

Imagine you live in Buckingham Palace!50 Fascinating Facts About Buckingham Palace | The Original Tour

What would you see? Can you write some sentences using -ing verbs (looking, searching, jumping etc.) and adjectives to tell me all about your palace experience!



Can you write the numbers 35 – 50 in digits and words.

Have a go at finishing the shape patterns in this game:

Treasure Map!

Can you draw a map of your house or a room in the house? 

Ask an adult to hide an object in the room and mark on the map where they have hidden it. Can you find it?

Challenge your adult by hiding an object in the room and describing where it is located. E.g ‘It is under something red’ or show them on the map where it's hidden!

Art: Hopefully you’ve spotted the beauty that is Spring outside now with all its lovely colours! Have a go at sketching a daffodil. Remember to use light strokes of your pencil when you are sketching!

We often see yellow daffodils but they do come in other colours too – see if you can find any of the different coloured ones in your area!

Daffodils: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Daffodil Flowers | The ...