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Narborough Primary Academy

Tuesday 5th January

Please do not be alarmed by the number of attached documents! You will not need to print them off and you do not need to access all of them. Hopefully you will have some paper and a pencil which you will need. 

Home learning will consist of Maths, English, a topic activity and some daily reading. 

Maths - Open the document titled 'Maths Year 2 and 3' for details of your learning today.

               You can then have a go at one of the x table Challenges. Y2 I would suggest 2x 5x or 10x; Y3 could try 3x or 4x. Through out the week you might like to give another one a go.

English - Open the 'English Tuesday 5.1.2021' for details of your English learning. A lot of you will need to open up 'Punctuation 1' but if this is too tricky please open the 'simple sentence scrambler' document.

Science - The science document has information and links you will need to your Science learning over the next two weeks. Please complete these at a time that is suitable for you.

Daily reading - We will be setting reading tasks but for today just enjoy reading one of your books from home to an adult or to yourself. 

Remember, any problems please do not hesitate to contact me on Class Dojo.