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Narborough Primary Academy

WB: 11th January 2021

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a restful weekend and managed to enjoy some of the sunshine.

I will put this week's learning on as last week and please do let me know if you have any problems opening the attachments.

I have also attached spellings that the children can start learning this week and they can be tested at the end of the week. I have included three different sets. The 'Revision group' is for those children who find spelling very tricky and need to go over our phonics. Please can the 'Year 2 spellings' be completed by Year 2 and 3 children. For those Year 3 children that can spell the Year 2 words confidently please move onto the Year 3 words. I hope that makes sense. If you are unsure please message me on Class Dojo and I will be happy to help.

Many thanks,

Miss Mitchell