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Sporle Primary Academy


Hello all, 

PE: Please do PE with Joe Wicks on his Youtube channel 


Download the correct reading comprehension below for your year group and have a go at answering questions. 

SPELLING:  today we are practising tricky high frequency words  and then our rule if you finish

Year 2: 

Year 3 : 



I can write a formal letter

Write out your letter neatly in your best handwriting. You will need to copy it up on paper or in a book. Practise your joins. Use the letter you wrote yesterday as a model but today you'll have to think carefully how to set it out so the address etc is in the right place as you don't have a box to guide you. Remember to punctuate carefully using full stops and question marks for questions. Put your address in the right part of the page remember. We are going to post these letters off and hopefully get an answer so they must be your best work!


We are using our place value knowledge to place numbers on the correct part of a numberline by estimating where they should go . Download the relevant powerpoint below and then have a go at the challenges. 


Afternoon: As I believe you should have had notification from Mrs Neary, we won't be setting work for a Wednesday afternoon as it allows all the children and adults to have a rest and we know that the children are working really hard at home.