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Narborough Primary Academy

Wednesday 1st July

Phonics / SPAG / Spelling

Y1 Look at the picture above. Use your phonic knowledge to help you spell all the the things you can see.  Underline any digraphs e.g. boat

Y2 Practise applying your phonics by writing a list of nouns you can see in the picture. See if you can make a separate list of verbs e.g. chatting. Finally, write a sentence in the present tense to describe something in the picture e.g. The smart, young boy waits patiently to sail his boat.


Y1 - Click on the link:  Lesson 3 Recognising notes 

Watch the video and join in with the activities. Complete the worksheet in the attachments.

Y2 - Click on the link: Lesson 3 Comparing volume

 Watch the video and join in with the activities. Complete the worksheet in the attachments.


Time to find out about an octopus by practising your reading and comprehension work. Choose the appropriate reading and question sheet from the attachment.


Find out about the oceans of the world

Can you locate and name the major oceans of the world? (You could print off the map of the world below)