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Narborough Primary Academy

Wednesday 20th January


Mental oral starter

Focus: Multiplication

Today we are going to practise our times table.

Click on the link

Choose timetables and click on a table that you need to practise. 

Year 2 you need to be really secure and answer  2,5,and 10x quickly  before you try and move on.

Main activity

Year 2  Please watch the video (link below)

Complete the worksheet. There is an additional worksheet if you wish to challenge yourself! 

Year 3 - Today we are going to be dividing a 2-digit number using grouping on a number line. Please watch the video to help you, then complete one of the worksheets. As this strategy is fairly new I would suggest you start with the 1 star worksheet  first and check how confident you feel before moving onto 2 or 3 stars. Here is the video link


Reading and spelling practise for 10 to 15 minutes.

Writing and grammar

Today we are going to revisit adverbs. Have a look at the powerpoint on adverbs. You have already seen this powerpoint so you may only want to go over the parts you are not sure about. Remember it is good to revisit our learning as it helps to embed it in our brains. 

Adverbs are words which describe a verb. 

Eg I lifted the lid of the box.  Lifted is the verb. I can add an adverb to describe how I lifted it. E.g I slowly lifted the lid of the box. 

Task 1: Complete the sheet on adverbs to check we are confident what they are.

If you feel confident and would like to have a go at another task please try task 2.

Task 2: download sheet 2. These instructions aren’t very good. They are missing adverbs. Your challenge is to re-write them and add in adverbs. Also add in as much other detail as possible. Think about where someone might go wrong and make sure the instructions explains this. 


Today's PE is very exciting as we have some personal challenges to complete that have been set by Norfolk School Games Organisers!! The challenges are in the attachments below. You will need a ball (like a football), tennis ball (or similar) and a tennis racquet. Please do not worry if you do not have these things, just message me on Dojo and I will see what I can do to help.

 The Tap up Tennis ball is for Year 3 upwards but Year 2 you might like to challenge yourselves and have a go too! If you scroll down on each challenge it will give you instructions and will tell you the number you need to achieve to earn bronze, silver and gold. Please can you send your scores to me on Class Dojo as every class in the Federation will be doing this and it will be great to see how well Super Squirrels can do! 

Don't forget Joe Wicks is doing a live work out too if you feel like being really fit!