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Castle Acre Primary School

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Thank you to everyone who has been sharing their fantastic work, I've loved seeing what you're getting up to! 




Have a go at practising the initial sounds in words by playing I Spy with your family. Think about what the initial sound is of the object you have spotted and see if they can guess! Can you write down each of your 'I spy' sentences too?

Let’s learn a new sound, this sound is a trigraph because it has 3 letters to make the sound. The sound is ‘ear’ like the ones we have on our heads!

Mr Mc can help us learn!




Maths: 1 More/1 Less

Practise counting from 0 – 20, can your child count more than that?

What about backwards? Can you count from 20 to 0?

After you've practised your counting, have a go at the challenge sheet attached at the bottom of the page! (This could be drawn in your Maths book if you don't have access to a printer)


Have a play around on this Coding activity to see if you can make the bubbles move and burst!


Mirror, Mirror on the wall!

Find a mirror in the house:

What can you see?

Imagine if you were able to walk into the mirror. What do you think you would see? Listen to the story ‘Through the Magic Mirror’ by Anthony Browne. 



Look at the illustrations in the book and discuss what is different. Can you create a story similar to ‘Through the Mirror’? Could you draw pictures to represent your story (a story map)? 

(An example of a story map)

Year 1


Tic Tac Toe:

Draw a Tic Tac Toe grid and play Phoneme Tic Tac Toe using these sounds in each box:

ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ur, ue, or, aw

Say the sound in the box you are going to choose with your counter to see if you can beat your opponent!


Suffixes are the little letters we add to the end of a word to change its meaning.

Here are some suffixes: -er, -ing -est, -es, -s and -ed.

Today we are going to focus on using -er, -est and -s on the end of words. (e.g stronger, strongest, oranges, apples, cloths etc.)

Look at the picture (below) first to create as many of these words with these endings. Jot them on a piece of paper so that you don’t forget them!

Can you write about this picture using the -er, -est and -s words you came up with?


Thinking about fractions, today we are going to be solving a problem! This problem involves cutting shapes in half. Remember when we split a number or a shape in half, both sides have to be the same/equal! 

Can you split the shapes in this activity in half? (The activity is attached at the bottom of the page). 

Are there any shapes which you can’t split in half? Are there any shapes which you could split into quarters too?




Have a play around on this Coding activity to see if you can make the bubbles move and burst!


Mirror, Mirror on the wall!

Find a mirror in the house.

What can they see? Imagine if they were able to walk into the mirror. What do they think you would see? Listen to the story ‘Through the Magic Mirror’ by Anthony Browne. 



Look at the illustrations in the book and discuss what is different. Can you create a story similar to ‘Through the Mirror’? Draw a story map first and plan your story. Using your story map, have a go at writing your story! Think about a beginning,a middle and an ending! 

(An exampleof a story map)