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Castle Acre Primary School

Wednesday 3rd February



Please practise your spellings and write a couple more sentences using your spellings.

Mental/Oral Starter

Choose a times table you wish to practise  or write out one of the tables you are not sure of out of order and see how long it takes you to solve them.

Year 3 and 2

Interpreting Pictograms

Today we shall be interpreting the information given in a pictogram, in other words using the information to answer questions. Watch the video clip and then complete either the Year 2 Interpreting Pictograms Challenge or Year 3 Interpreting Pictograms Challenge.

If you want a further Challenge there are 1,2 and 3 Star Challenges for Year 2 and 3 as well.


Year 2: L.O : I can punctuate my sentences accurately

Year 2 please watch the video on Class Dojo explaining how to spot where full stops  and capital letters should go .

The printer made a mistake and missed out all of the punctuation in a re-telling of the Pedlar of Swaffham. Can you help them by copying the paragraph out and adding in the full stops and capital letters where they are missing?

Year 3 : L.O I can use inverted commas for speech punctuation

Have a look at the powerpoint explaining how to punctuate speech.

The printer made a mistake and missed out all of the inverted commas ( speech punctuation) in a re-telling of the Pedlar of Swaffham. Your challenge is to help them out by copying the paragraph out and adding in the inverted commas for speech where they are missing.


Today in PE there are three Fitness Challenges for you to have a go at: Shuttle Run, Step up and Burpees. They can be adapted to complete indoors or outdoors. Post some photos and  your results on dojo!


Log on to the Yumu music site and have some fun having a go at some of the  different activities. This term we are working on the unit 'I wanna play in a Band'.


 Login to Languagenut Primary site and  practise your vocabulary or  play  some games for about half an hour.