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Narborough Primary Academy

Week 2 - Monday 30th March

Hello everybody!

I hope you have all managed to rest and enjoy the weekend. Please see below the details for today's home learning.


Y1 - practising the 'aw' phoneme. The worksheet is in the attachments. If you do not have a worksheet, please do not worry. Your child can write the words and sentences in their books. They can also make a list of the words they find in the wordsearch.

Y2 - Phase 6 phonic activities. Please choose one or two of the activities from the powerpoint attached. You can record any words or sentences in your exercise books.


Continue to choose a game from Daily ten. Try to choose different ones from last week or practise those that you found a little tricky.

Year 1  - Week 2 Lesson 2 Counting in tens

Year 2 -Week 2 Lesson 1 Recognising a third


Watch the powerpoint presentation to learn about  the Savanna in Africa.

Choose one of the following creative tasks:

Paint / collage or make a model of the African Savanna. You might like to add to this throughout the week.


Choose an animal from the powerpoint to observe and sketch carefully with a pencil. 

Daily Act of Worship/reflection

Click on the link below to take you to the bbc website.

Special Days: Easter