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Narborough Primary Academy

Week 4 - Wednesday 8th July

Phonics / SPAG / Spellings

Y1 - Today we are going to try and use the phonemes we have learnt to help us read some alien and some real words. The purpose of this is to check we can remember all the phonemes learnt this year. Download the powerpoint then sound out each word and blend the sounds back together to say the word. 

Y2 - Today we are going to look at root words that can have the suffixes 'ful' or 'less' on the end. Download the worksheet. Read the words and see if you can work out which words can use the suffix 'ful' or 'less'. Write them in your book.  


Complete yesterday's English activities. If you have already finished the activities you can start the following activity:

Make a story map of 'The Ugly Five' which shows the journey of the animals and who they meet along the way. You can draw pictures, write words and repeated phrases from the story to help you tell the story. This task can be completed over two days. On Friday you can pretend to be the story teller and retell the story in your own words. You might even like to video your performance!


Spend 5 minutes playing a game of your choice on Daily 10 / Hit the Button / Mental maths train

Year 1  Click on the link -  Lesson 3 Find a quarter Watch the video and join in with the activities. Download and complete the worksheet attached.

Year 2  Click on the link -  Lesson 3 O'clock and Half Past Watch the video and join in with the activities. Download and complete the worksheet attached.


Please see Monday 6th July for this weeks topic activities.