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Narborough Primary Academy

Week commencing 15th June 2020

Welcome to the learning tasks for the week!

You will see that there is a daily maths lesson for you to complete (see Year 5/6 Maths lessons pdf below). Press CTRL and click on the picture for each lesson, and it will take you to the youtube video for that lesson. You need to participate in this lesson, by watching the video, following the instructions and answering questions. Sometimes, you may be asked to complete a few questions before the next lesson. These can be done in your exercise book (or on paper if you have run out of room) but you may need to have them ready for the following lesson.

There is also a spelling rule each week for you to practice (see NVF week 1 spelling lessons word document below). This week, you will be looking at words containing the 'cious' and 'tious' suffixes. You will need to click on the blue link to access the website and follow the instructions in the spelling document below. You are expected to play one of the games each day, and complete the spelling test on Friday.

This week's project is about nocturnal animals (see NVF Nocturnal animal project word document below). You will be asked to research a nocturnal animal of your choice and produce an information leaflet about that animal. There are also a couple of suggestions of science and art activities that you might like to try. The document below contains some more information, with suggested books, web site links and examples to help you get started. I can't wait to see some of your finished leaflets!