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Castle Acre Primary School

World Book Day 2019

Our current school focus is Global Citizenship, so for World Book Day each class at Castle Acre focused the day around a story from another culture.

'Rainbow Bird' by Eric Maddern is a traditional Aboriginal Dreamtime story (a Creation myth) from Northern Australia. Oak Class listened to the story and discussed the role of the different characters before creating a large, collaborative piece of artwork to cover the classroom door.

The children learned more about the culture of the indigenous people of Australia before designing their own Aboriginal Dot Art picture. 

" The Aborigines are the indigenous people of Australia. This means that they were the first people there (they were born there)." - Heather 

"Dreamtime is the spiritual belief of the Aborigines. Dreamtime stories explain how animals, plants, water sources and other natural things were formed by spirit beings." - Elisha  

"In Australia it is very hot, but most people live by the coastline because it is a bit cooler." - Leyla